About Us
Ahalia is a news outlet that publishes content relating to global drugs policy and news. We particularly like covering news relating to the so-called ‘War on Drugs’. We aim to offer diverse coverage of global drug matters. We implement this aim by covering a diverse set of topics relating to drugs and drug laws.
All of our writers are unpaid volunteers. Our writers hail from over thirty different countries on five continents. Many of the topics we cover are not covered by the mainstream media.
We offer our readers the opportunity to contribute to our website. In fact, this is positively encouraged. If you wish to contribute, get in touch with our editor, John Simmons today.
Many people who contribute to Ahalia offer first-person, primary accounts of how the War on Drugs is affecting their lives. Many of these people live in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, although we invite contributors from all countries affected by these issues.
Email: info@ahalia.com
Tel: 0800 331 7905